Thursday, November 8, 2007

Coast day

hi... it is just like the coast here today... damp and rainy and dark..just got in from feeding the critters...pen is getting muddy... and sheep are all wet, llama and alpaca got inside the lean to... they don't like the wet..neither do i... have to wear the goose boots (duck) L and i went for flu shots yesterday and of course it is effecting him today.. what a baby...he slept for 2.5 hours this afternoon..i just had a sore arm for a couple of hours yesterday..but fine today... Went to guild meeting yesterday... 4 of the girls went up to Sharon Wickstroms for a mini workshop on weaving... they were all overwhelmed and are trying to decide if they like it well enough to continue..weaving is not for me... i just don't have the room for one thing.. i did try weaving on a table loom, used to take it off the table for supper and when i went to put it back on the table there was a cat sleeping on it...finished what i was weaving and put it away for good.. I got my beautiful purple silk spun and plied, decided i am going to make the "flower basket shawl" with it...needed help from my knitting guru "Louisa".. to get it started..what would i do with out her.. Gave my friend her "hug me" shawl yesterday and she was delighted, her hubby is very very ill, and we just live too far apart for me to give her daily hugs, so when she wraps up in the alpaca shawl she will get a hug.. I have been spinning up some merino and silk, in "pewter".... and am now plying it on my new 'wool lee' winder.. i can't believe how much yarn one of those bobbins hold..and it is so even... even my spinning seems more even...should get it finished to nite to 'Grey anatomy', 'ER' and CSI.. Thursday is my favorite nite to sit and spin and watch the tube... my nite, L watches what he wants on the other nites... ever watch "the Deadliest Catch" about fishing boats fishing for crab in the Berring Sea... i enjoy that one too..
Better get supper started, haven't figured out what to do with the 'burger' yet...nite.... silk


Anonymous said...

Hello fellow spinners, I am the lucky recepient of this "hug me" shawl. I was completely overjoyed to receive it. I have often silently wished for one of Sheila's shawls and I guess she heard me! This is a nice big shawl that one can climb right into and get cosy. Thanks a million times, Sheila. This shawl goes with me through the rest of my life. Caroline P.

Sharon in Surrey said...

Caroline, you are a lucky woman!! That shawl is gorgeous. You do good work Sheila!!!
I know just how you feel about weaving, Sheila. I find that by the time I get the darned loom warped, I've long since lost interest. Tapestry maybe since it's quick & easy to warp, but I'd just rather knit or crochet or even hook a rug than weave.