Sunday, March 20, 2011

I am just fine

Okay, I didn't realize that it had been over a month and a half since i had written, I really had planned to write more often when i started this new year... but what is new, i flubbed up again.. not sure where the time has gone, I ended up with a bad cold in February... first time in 3 years, and it really knocked me for a loop... finally got over it, and then it came back with a vengeance two weeks ago, I was sure i was going to cough up a lung or two.. I don't usually cough so went to the Dr, and he tells me that the new meds i am on can cause pneumonia, and if i was still coughing on the next Monday to go in for a x ray.. or if i had problems breathing to go for an xray... well that night i needed two pillows to be able to breath, so i called and they made me a appt for an xray.. and they turned out fine... so I went to Cloverdale that weekend to an agility trial and we had a great time, Levi got two "Q"(qualifying scores)... he was much more relaxed, he laid at my feet as we waited for our turn, before he would pace around and sniff dogs and their handlers... he even peed when i took him out, before he would just sniff around and not pee, and then pee in the ring... he even ignored the ring crew and the things went much better.. he ran a great run at class yesterday, he is improving... I can hardly wait to start Wynn this spring, but the instructors home base still has 3 feet of snow, so we will have to wait...
I went to the coast for my Mom's 85th birthday on the 24 of Feb, we had great plans, but her birthday was probably the worse she has ever had, her best friend passed away that morning..she had only been sick and in hospital just over 3 weeks, and she was such a sweet heart... and a very good friend of my Mom..
Snow is all gone around here... and the lawn is starting to get green in spots... the dogs were out in the field munching on a patch of green grass this afternoon...
I didn't go to the Fibres West fibre fair... just didn't have enough $$ to buy anything, and didn't need the Desert Mesa Spring Retreat is just around the corner...
I had a project that i worked on, Sandra on Facebook  put a little thingy up, that if you went to her page, and put up the same thingy, she would send you a hand made gift, so i did it and i got two answers so i had to make two projects, got the first one done, nothing too fancy, the garden basket shawlette was the first one, i did it in "finn", and put pink beads where the "nupps"(hate them) were suppose to be.. it looked great, washed it and blocked it, and when i unpinned it... i noticed the beads had lost colour and had stained the wool, i was so "pissed"... i quit knitting and spinning... decided to over dye it,  what a disappointment... just need to find the time to over dye it...
Still volunteering at the food bank, I am now secretary/treasurer... we have to make cutbacks as we have more clients and less money... so the new presidnet and i are making some changes..
Larry has been busy panning gold... in the shop, it is too cold out and i don't need him falling in the river..we have great plans to go out during the summer and have a picnic, take the dogs, and go gold panning..may be we will make our fortune, (giggle)..
To all my dear friends who have been worrying about me, I am fine, just LAZY.... really...


The socklady said...

I faithfully checked in every other day, glad to see you are back.

Louisa said...

Glad you haven't fallen into another hole! ;)

Sad about the beads losing colour. Bright pinks, magentas and purples are usually dyed and aren't colourfast at all. If in doubt test first! Of course I'm too late with my advice now. Sorry. Hope you can rescue the shawl from oblivion.

Sharon in Surrey said...

Well, I WAS beginning to wonder . . . Glad to hear you're over the cough & have just been lazy! I had that nasty flu & it was a killer.