Monday, December 3, 2007

The great snow fall of 2007

How come it never rains but it pours... why did it have to snow 18 inches when Larry can't get out and use the snowblower, and it is raining too..what a mess... Snow is over my knees..SUV was covered with snow and then the rain, so i had to clean it off so we could get into it if it froze tonite... The first pic is of Jackson... he loved the snow and of course with his long coat it just stuck like glue...then he wants in the house, covered with snow... then he shakes, so there is snow all over the rug... oh well.. second picture is out the hall window first thing this morning... and the 3rd one is Dixie on top of Jackson playing in the snow... young fellow running our mill came out with his Quad with a little snow plow, and him and his buddy ran the quad and our snow blower around till we have enough clear space to get out of the yard and down the drive way.... what a mess.... how come this happens to good Larry says just another bump in the road....well i had better go dig out the sheep trough.. poor babies are covered with ice...but they have lots of coat and won't sleep in the lean too... they like being out in the weather... see ya sheila

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